Main page / Internationalization


The Institute for Northern Culture holds internationality as the starting point for its operation. After all, the Institute works in the Barents region. Creating and coordinating an international co-operation network form our central goals. Internationalization is discernible in the mobility of students, researchers, teachers and artists.  We also consider cultural export as an important part of our internationalization.

Internationalization works in many ways. The education we offer must be internationally esteemed, which attracts students from abroad. Lapland is a desired destination also for artists from abroad, who work actively as cultural trainers and experts for the higher education institutions and the vocational colleges.

Our plans and goals reach even outside the Barents region. New network partnerships are sought for globally.

The Institute for Northern Culture aims to become profiled as a unique educational model of art and culture. Therefore, our international network partners are chosen on the basis of two criteria: they support the development of our education in art and culture, and they bring along something new, which is not being developed or offered at the Institute for Northern Culture.

We have proceeded the most in co-operation with the French higher education institution Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The letter of intent was signed in June 2010 with the Kemi-Tornionlaakso Municipal Education and Training Consortium Lappia, enabling student and personnel exchange as well as project co-operation. In addition, the University of Versailles offers our students a year-long Master’s level program in Arctic studies.